Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mold Remediation and Thoughts

"Play in the park today, Mama.". Certainly, little boy

The mold remediation people are here, and Aaron Neville is playing on the CD player next to me. They've sealed off my bedroom... Which isn't really awesome, because all three dogs and my computer are in there. I'm blogging from my phone (which is awesome).

This is a reminder to myself: I want to do an intro page, a "what and who this blog is about" page. Profiles and pictures (or avatars) of everyone and all the animals, and little introsucrions, links to their blogs, business, a charity, whatever. Mayne some recommended links. I think it'd be awesome. And this is a big crew to keep straight without a guide :)

-Mama Coyote


MorningSprite said...

I know most of you and I can't keep you straight.

Unknown said...

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